The first information about the tower concerns the assignment of its construction to Nicola Saetta, from Lecce, on October 2nd 1567. Nicola received 200 ducats for the construction of this tower, together with two others.
The tower is mentioned in a few documents, however it is present in all ancient geographic maps, starting from the 17th century, with the name of «Torre della Rinalda».
Subsequently it appeared in good condition in a document from 1825, while in 1842 it was already in use by the customs guard. The tower’s shape is typical of the Kingdom of Naples, with a square base of just over 10 meters on each side, and the sloped body.

credit ReUse Italy.
The project of requalification of the old watchtower represents an important opportunity to enhance the historical and cultural heritage of Puglia. The watchtower, in fact, is a building that testifies to the maritime history of the region and its requalification into a place of aggregation and cultural promotion is a way to celebrate the past and look to the future.
The clear pinnacle that surmounts the old ruined tower resumes the original forms of the building, creating a harmony between the old and the new. This architectural solution makes the pinnacle a distinctive element of the surrounding landscape and makes it a landmark for visitors. 
The project of requalification of the old watchtower represents a great opportunity for the local community and for visitors of the region. The building becomes a place of great cultural and social value and a point of reference for the surrounding landscape.
Its panoramic position and modern design make it a unique and special place, where history and culture meet with art and architectural innovation. 

The stepped area on the ground floor is designed as a large meeting area that adapts perfectly to theatrical activities, shows and concerts. This space is designed to create a convivial and relaxed atmosphere and to foster encounter and exchange among people.

The panoramic area on the first floor of the building, illuminated by a large skylight, is dedicated to meeting but also adapts perfectly to art exhibitions as well as offering an excellent point where to aim at the surrounding landscape. This space offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape and creates a unique experience for visitors, where they can admire the sea, the sky and the shades of the landscape.  

Torre Rinata


Torre Rinata

Torre Rinata is a landmark project for the recovery of Torre Rinalda. Contest ideas by ReUse Italy.
